Have you ever heard someone say something like, "Society is going down the drain." or, "We live in a faceless society." or, "Today's society is selfish, greedy, (insert other negative phrases here)"? I definitely have. And it's funny, because as a person I get quite frustrated at these statements. They're statements that tend to suggest that the person saying it isn't included in the statement. Because, after all, a society is made up of a collective group of people. If I was to say, "I'm so ashamed of the society we live in because they're all terrible drivers." I would be implying that I'm not a terrible driver, but you - and everyone else that lives in this area with me is. It's silly!! We, as people, have an incredible opportunity to be more than just a faceless society that is a disappointment to the generations that have lived before. The thing that restricts us, however, is that we never stop complaining (myself included). Today's society doesn't have to be a disappointment. We don't have to have twelve year olds walking the streets in their underwear thinking that they're fashionable, we don't have to have teenagers believing that they're worthless because they've been hurt by relationships or vacant parents, we don't have to have adults working relentlessly at jobs they hate just to get by. There's a solution, but it rests in you and it rests in me.
Positivity. Telling young girls that they're beautiful so they don't feel like they have to show off their bodies to get attention is vital. It's unbelievably important to encourage the girls in your life of their beauty that they've possessed since birth. We, as people (not just as girls), need to treat others with the respect that everyone deserves. We need to tell men that it's not okay to stare at a girls body, but not with words! We need to pass on that message through how we carry ourselves, and what we wear. (Now just to be clear - if a man attacks a woman and blames it on what she is wearing that is NOT okay. There is no justification for that whatsoever.) Wearing decent amounts of clothing isn't about being ashamed of your body. Covering up is about protecting the men in your life, not exposing them to everything that you've got can actually change the way they think about you. I wear modest clothing and it's not because I think I've got a bad body, but it's because I respect the men in my life as brothers, and I would never, ever want to wear something that would confuse that. I'm proud of the way I look, I'm proud to be a woman - and I'm not a crazy feminist. I just believe that it takes two to tango, and if we respect boys through what we wear, they will respect us through how they treat us. (Reiterating - there is no excuse for an attack from a man to a woman.. and also vice versa. I do not want anyone to think that I favour women just because I am one - I don't.)
Positivity can also change the worth that one feels. Sometimes, people are born into terrible situations with parents that don't love on them enough, or they're bullied in high school, or they just simply don't have many friends. Showing unrelenting positivity to everyone can change the face of society. It can save lives. Never underestimate the power of an encouraging word, or a smile. Everyone longs to feel loved and you have the power to make someone feel that way. Negativity is a natural part of life - but please, it doesn't have to rule over you and you don't have to let it rule over the way you treat other people. There is always a silver lining, it just needs to be observed!!
Obviously, working is a part of the society we live in. Everyone needs money to survive - and if you have no money, it's likely that your parents are working and providing for you. But that doesn't mean we have to work a job we hate. Not everyone will have the opportunity to be working their dream job their entire life. Heck, my first job was at McDonalds. I didn't plan to stay in that place, and I didn't. But I have good memories of my time there. Why? Again, positivity. There is an upside to everything. Whether it's the people you work with, the customers you can help, the work that you're doing.. There's always some form of goodness in what you do. Some work is seasonal, so enjoy what you do (even when it sucks!) You're in your job because you filled a role that your employer believed you were the best fit for... Remember that! Working and money is a fact of life, but there's no reason why you can't take it and make it the best thing for you. Chances are, you'll spend a lot of time at work and if you don't make the most if it - you'll be miserable. The whole reason I wrote this paragraph is because I've just started a new job in the past couple months and at first I loved it, I thought it was the best thing ever. But then I hit a wall, I started to get frustrated by colleagues and things were taking a turn for the negative. One day this past week I left work so furious at the day that had been that I was sure I wanted to quit my job. However, I went back the next day - I didn't want to - and I pasted a smile on my face and acted like I was loving life. I had four people tell me that they appreciated my joy, and I got six drawings from kids that came in... (I work in finance, not child care!) I was proved wrong. My job matters, and I'm meant to be there. I'm privileged to work there. I left work that day with tears in my eyes - not from anger, but from the realisation that for this season I'm in the right place... And all I had to do was smile.
I haven't even mentioned God yet.
So if you're not a Christian and you've read so far, I really want to thank you. I'm sure you were expecting some form of Christian talk at some point and here it is, feel free to stop reading if you like - but I promise I'll keep it concise.
As cliche as it is - you have the power to bring change to this society. You have the power to make things better. And God has destined every one of us to do the right thing and create positive experiences for everyone that walks this earth. God has a plan for every life, meaning he has a plan for society as a whole. Please don't waste your time here by whinging about the problems of society, please, please, please instead decide to be a contributing factor to why this time in history will hold the best society yet.
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