Tuesday, 4 June 2013

"What's done is done."

The past is a fact, it's not an excuse.

Sit on that for a second. Because I bet you, like me, read that first line and thought, "that's cool." or you didn't take it in at all. The first time I didn't take it in at all. The second I said, "that's cool." Then the third, I realised exactly what that means. Every time I go through something and I react to it, my first reaction is to say these words, "Yeah, but, in the past...." And I doubt I'm the only one. "Yeah, but in the past, I got bullied." "Yeah, but in the past, I had my trust broken." "Yeah, but in the past, my friends didn't support me." Yeah, but in the future, you're going to wish you had controlled your issues instead of letting them control you. In the future, you'll suffer the consequences of sweeping what hurts you now under the carpet. In the future, you'll look back and see all that time you wasted on something that shouldn't have had time wasted on it at all.

The past has happened. It's done. It's gone. It's over. Whether you like it or not, you can't change that. No amount of what if's or if I just's or whatever will change the past. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, and for those who already figured that out, sorry for being Captain Obvious.

You want to know what you, and you alone have the power to change?
You guessed it;

Your future.

I've heard it preached that if one is to stare too long in the rearview mirror, they'll crash their car. That's why the rearview mirror is small, yet the windscreen large. You're meant to be primarily looking forward, only checking behind you momentarily from time to time. So why spend more time looking back than looking forward? You've got a future, there's hope for you, there's so much that life has to offer and you need to reach for it. Don't wait for that person to apologise, don't wait for everyone else to start getting their act together, just get up and work for yourself. Do what makes you happy, and forget whatever you've done in the past.

Learn from your mistakes, hold your head up high, and stop making excuses. Look positively to the future and enjoy a brighter present.

What's done is done.

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