Thursday, 23 May 2013

Christian Clichés.

Don't jump to any conclusions from the title of this post, but I just want to talk about Christian Cliché's for a second. Maybe, not so much clichés, but I guess the things that in a Pentecostal church, I've seen many become accustomed to. (myself included)

Obviously in such a blessed western world country such as Australia, it's so easy to take things for granted. But when it comes to God, and a relationship with Christ, there are some things that just shouldn't be taken for granted. So really, this post is more for me. I want to highlight to myself some things that can be said, and some things that can be done simply out of habit.

Example: Songs like I Will Exalt. "Your presence is, all I need, it's all I want, all I seek and without it, without it there's no meaning." Sorry, but what? ALL I need? ALL I want? ALL I seek? Without it there's NO meaning? They're such definite statements! Why would I even want to think that, let alone declare it with my mouth through song? Are you telling me I'm not the king of the world, that there's something and someONE better than me? Are you telling me that I shouldn't seek to develop further in my studies, career, life? That God is everything? ....Well, yeah. One famous scripture puts it like this, "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." (Matt. 6:33 NLT)

So all I've gotta do is seek Him and everything I need will be mine? Cool. Good to know. So, uh, how exactly do I do that? Just seek Him, and Him alone? Yeah, good question Tash. Do I have the answer? No, I definitely don't. I mean, to me it seems impossible. To just seek God, and absolutely trust Him to pull through with everything I need? Come on now, that's crazy talk! And I guess it is, but if I knew the answers to everything, if I could answer every single "why", if I could do everything on my own... There'd be no need for faith. I couldn't live like that. I couldn't live in denial of the fact that I was called for a higher purpose than just an average 9-5 life. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I just know in my own strength I can only go so far. But with Christ... There's no limits. The only limits are the ones I create. "He's a limitless God, limited to the measure of my faith." (Thanks Ps. James!)

This post didn't really end up the way I intended... But I think I just learnt a good lesson. That's the whole point of this blog, I want to teach myself as well as share my thoughts with whoever reads this. So thank you - to the 135 people who have read my past three blogs.... Thank you. 

"Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am." - Philippians 4:13, MSG.

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