Sunday, 12 January 2014

Religion isn't for me.

I can honestly say that I don't follow a religion. I don't follow a distant deity who couldn't care less about me. I don't follow a mindless tradition that has no relevance to today's society. I'm not into the whole, go to church because that's just "what you do" mindset. And I certainly don't believe in force-feeding people things they don't want to hear. That's why I have a blog, it's your choice to be reading this, and you do so at your own will. I'm gonna get personal.

I want to tell you a little bit about me, I know I've done that in the past but this is something a little different, something I don't really talk about. That something, is the reason why I love Jesus and have served in a church for the majority of the last ten years. 

I love Jesus because He loves me despite everything I've done wrong, and am yet to do wrong.
I love Jesus because He lived a human life and knows every emotion I've ever felt.
I love Jesus because He doesn't force His way into my life.
I love Jesus because He was the Son of The King, yet He didn't strut around like He owned the show, He lived a humble life.
I love Jesus because He brings me comfort when my heart is burdened.
I love Jesus because He is the most selfless human being to have walked the planet.
I love Jesus because He knows what I need when I need it. (Beyond any wants)
I love Jesus because He's the author of everything good.
I love Jesus because He loved me first.

God loves unconditionally. And when you think about it, every human (Christian or not) wants to be loved unconditionally. If you screw up, you want those you hold dear to forgive you and still love you. So, if I talk to you about God - it's because I love you. It's because I want you to know what it's like to be loved by someone who never fails. Who never lets you down. Who never shows up late, and Who never turns away when you want to come near.

Walking with God legitimately isn't just a whole bunch of rules and regulations. It is certainly not "do this or you're going to hell." And if that's what it's been for you, it's wrong and you deserve better. I live my life by faith. I have a joy that lasts beyond a mood, and I have hope for a better tomorrow no matter what. God isn't restricted to a building. He's a life bringing, situation changing, relentlessly loving Father who actually just wants to know you, protect you, love you and be around you. He doesn't expect perfection. No one, bar Jesus, has ever been, or ever will be, perfect. You need to know that.

Everyone needs love. We are created for it, so why not let it be the greatest love of all time?
Jesus is love. That's why I love Him.

P.S, to clarify the first paragraph:
I don't follow a religion - I know a God.
I don't follow a distant deity who doesn't care about me - I follow a Father who loves me
I don't follow an irrelevant and mindless tradition - I seek out the truth and it finds me. It's always relevant.
I don't go to church for going to church's sake - I go to church because I can't get enough of God's presence and the people who I call family.
I don't believe in force-feeding people things they don't want to hear... (AT ALL) But I also don't believe in shutting up about my personal beliefs just because they're not the majority opinion.

Happy New Year.